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What are some of the things you believe?

The Bible is God's Word and faithful to express the mind of God to every subject it addresses.
Salvation is by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As to His person, He was fully God and fully man. As to His work, His death for sin satisfies the demands of God. His resurrection gives me the hope of eternal life with Him.
Faith in Jesus Christ brings the peace of God to me.

How is the radio program supported?

When tax exempt status is granted there will be opportunity for friends of the program to financially support the program. At all times we invite our friends to invite others to listen to the program and ask that you pray that people will find help for the needs in their lives.

Are there plans to expand the radio program?

While it is important to crawl before you walk and before you run, as listener support increases, the plan is to expand the program to a full hour then add more days each week.

What are the plans for PeaceTalk's website?

The goal for PeaceTalk is to be constantly adding resources that would be helpful to people in conflict. Eventually, there will be a member's section that will have more in depth resources.

Are you a part of a national counseling group such as NANC

No, I am not a part of any national counseling organizations. I am an attorney by training and 25 years experience. I am a certified mediator in the family and civil courts of the State of South Carolina. I have received training from Peacemaker Ministries however, I am not a part of their certified conciliator network.

What counseling services do you provide?

My services include conflict coaching, and the mediation and arbitration of disputes by Biblical means. In this context, I can bring together both the legal and biblical understanding of disputes that help people resolve problems and reconcile relationships. I can help people identify needs in their lives and work with them to resolve issues. Often times, I have discovered that conflict is the tool that uncovers needs in our lives, that once identified, the application of Gospel truth is sufficient to bring resolution. When more extensive counseling is needed, I have a network of Christian counselors that understand the work of the Gospel and can provide more indepth insight and I also support the work of caring pastors and refer individuals back to their church leadership for more help.

Do you have an office.

Yes I do. I am located at 410 E. Butler Avenue, Suite E in Mauldin, South Carolina. I can be reached at

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